By Laws





  I. PURPOSE:  The International Society for Contemporary Literature and Theatre (ISCLT) shall encourage the writing and study of contemporary literature, sponsoring activities designed to increase understanding through production, criticism, and shared experience.

 II. MEMBERSHIP:  Teachers, authors, playwrights, editors, translators, actors, dramaturges, and others actively involved in literary, theatrical, or appropriate academic pursuits may, on the approval of the Executive Committee and payment of annual dues, become members of ISCLT.   Subject to approval at the Annual Meeting, the Committee may recommend the conferring of honorary membership. ISCLT will draw most of its members from Europe.

III. ADMINISTRATION: ISCLT shall be administered by an Executive Secretary in consultation with the Executive Committee, which shall consist of six members in addition to the Executive Secretary, Deputy Executive Secretary, Records Officer and the Editor, all elected at the annual meeting.

 IV. MEETINGS:  ISCLT will hold an Annual Business Meeting at a place and time decided by the Executive Committee, which shall determine the agenda. Normally, this meeting will be held in conjunction with an Annual Conference.

  V. AMENDMENTS:  Amendments must be approved by at least five of the nine-member Executive Committee, then published in the Newsletter or Program for consideration at the Annual Meeting. For adoption each must receive a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the Annual Meeting.



  I. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY:  The Executive Secretary shall administer the affairs of ISCLT, maintain an address on behalf of the Society, maintain its records, publish a Newsletter at least once a year, and will answer to the Executive Committee. (Marina Catalano-McVey was elected Executive Secretary at the annual meeting in SOLIN, Croatia in July 2018.)

II.  DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: If the Executive Secretary is incapacitated or         unable to act for any reason, the Deputy Executive Secretary shall exercise all the powers of Executive Secretary until the Executive Secretary resumes his/her responsibilities.

 III. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for assisting the Executive Secretary in furthering the purposes of the Society, for supervising the work of the Secretary, and, in particular, for planning the Annual Conference in conjunction with the Annual Business Meeting. The time and place of the Conference and Annual Meeting will be determined at a previous Annual Meeting, with changes or cancellation in extraordinary circumstances consented to by a majority of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall include a Program Chair for the Conference and such other officers as are desirable. The Executive Committee may fill any vacancy, including that of the Executive Secretary. Conference proceedings and official publications shall be in English. The Society is international: the Program Chair shall ensure that no strident religious, political, or nationalistic matter is injected into the program. Material containing advertising and/or solicitation of members is not permitted. Use of the Society’s mailing list for other than ISCLT or Salzburg Seminar purposes is prohibited.

IV.  The Society may appoint one or more Honorary Life Presidents in recognition of exceptional service to the Society. (Belma Ӧtuș-Baskett was elected Honorary Life President at the annual meeting at Solin, Croatia in 2018.)

V. RECORDS OFFICER. The Society shall appoint a Records Officer who shall maintain contact details of all members.

VI. Content of the ISCLT website shall be the responsibility of the web designer and monitored by the Executive Committee. The Program Chair, the Editor, and/or the Executive Secretary may invite non-members of ISCLT to observe or participate in the Annual Conference.

VII.  DUES:  Annual dues (€20)  covering the one-year period commencing each September, must be paid up-to-date to ensure eligibility to vote at the annual business meeting. A registration fee of £100 / €150 is included in the conference fees.

VIII.  ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR:  Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated, and may result in suspension of membership.
